Friday, February 20, 2009

March 2009 Hotbuys

Ok, I know that there are still two Feburary hotbuys but anyways here are the March hotbuys of 2009.

My personal favourites:

The demin dress - It's nice and casual, perfect for a spring day.

The trousers - They're shiny and cute

The jump-suit - Jumpsuits are so in for this season! Although I would never wear one in reallife, I will on stardoll

The bag - I love the colour and the fact they look like little diamonds on this, I hope stardoll actually make the bad like this unlike the bad last month

The bracelet - Cute

The black and purple dress - I love the colour, very dressy

The skirt - It's shiny and colourful

My personal not-so-favourites:

The Earrings - I would never, in a million years wear these kind of earrings, I'm just not into heavey looking hoop earrings.

The jacket - I have never been into demin jackets, but the jacket is not helped by the black sleeves.

The shoes - Well, I have friends who will wear this but not me, I do like the colour but they remind me of boots that were released a couple of months ago.

As you can see, I have more favourites this month than last month. lol, what about you?

Well, here are the dates, enjoy.



Alannah Jaide said...


Madeline / VballGirlie2695 said...

I completly agree with you!
Nice post. :D

guccigirl73 said...

I agree %100.

The earrings look very jungily.

Anonymous said...

I love this new way, it's so cool, much better than other sites.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait!!!

Anonymous said...

But I really really hate the earrings!

Anonymous said...

BTW, I love this way you've done it, it's so original.

Alannah Jaide said...

Thanks Anon

Anonymous said...

I Luf the earrings and thats it everything else is So februray. It looks likei have ssen it before

Alannah Jaide said...

I see what you mean.