Saturday, January 31, 2009

Fabulous Awards!

It has finally arrived! Below I have posted a few categories for the Awards. I, myself, hate when the same people win. So in the comments section you can vote for whoever you want for each category. But you cannot vote annonymously. Please sign the topic w/ your Stardoll name. After the voting has been closed, me and Alie will count up the votes and the top 3 people for each section will be posted. You will then make your final vote for each category choosing only from the 3 people for each category. Me and Alie will count up those votes one more time and will hold a Fabulous Ball which we will announce the winners. You can vote for your friends and basically whoever you think deserves it! Invite your friends to come and vote, advertise the awards in your clubs and presentations, and have fun!

It may sound complicated, but we will go step by step.

Here are the Categories:

Best Dressed: This is someone who you think dresses amazing and stands out on Stardoll to you.

Best Club: Vote for your favorite club. This club must be active, have more then 50 members, and is a lot of fun!

Best Magazine: Choose your favorite magazine that Stardoll Members have created. Not just based on graphics, but on writing, ideas, and creativity.

Best Personality: Choose someone who is always nice, kind, and active on stardoll.

Best Makeup: Vote for someone whos make up always matches their outfit, whos makeup is unique, and is beautifully applied on.

Best Blog: Vote for your favorite STARDOLL blog. The blog must be entertaining, of course!

Best Suite: This suite is stylish, creative, and wows us all.

Best Overall: This person has an active club, a beautiful medoll and suite, is extremely nice, and someone who stands out to you.

Now! The first step!

1: Vote for each category above. Put 1 or 2 people for each category in the COMMENTS section here. If you feel uncomfortable telling us all, please send me your vote by mail.

Remember to sign your name or else your vote won't count.

2: Tell everyone to come and vote!

The next step will happen on February 15th when voting ends.

Any questions, ask me at VballGirlie2695


roxy [: said...

Seriously, you make it sound so fun..but all the blogs are doing it and everything. So really, we all know that in the end Star Awards is STILL gonna win. We all complain that elites get voted and such so. But the thing is, elites is the ONLY people we know. So, yes. I say this from the heart, don't get your hopes for this awards to be "the best ever" or even get popular. I'm not saying this because I'm a bitch. It's really, the truth. Anyways, good luck.

Madeline / VballGirlie2695 said...

I'm just doing it for fun. And it probably will only happen once. I don't want to get famous for it. Just something to do in the month of February. Don't get everyones hopes down, sheesh.

Jillian R. =] said...


Best Dressed: blondie_chick12

Best Club: Blondez.x3
--it has alot of cool + fun comps--

Best Magazine: Hmmmmmm this is tuff! Eternity

Best Personality:

Best Makeup: fakeshake3

Best Blog: The SD chroincles

Best Suite: singingmermaid

Best Overall: blond_bum101

Madeline / VballGirlie2695 said...

Thanks for your vote! :D

Anonymous said...

i am onetaurus BTW

Best Suite: QueenBayBay

Anonymous said...

Hey how about You give us people to vote for so we dont always vote for those Stuck up people Ya know it will be intersting and Well! i also think if u do go with my idea u should not only getr Elitey- sucky up peeps but like scene real Earthy People too

Madeline / VballGirlie2695 said...

Yeah I do like your idea, though I don't know many people out there. And the people I do know I know because there names are said everywhere. I will consider this though.