Saturday, February 21, 2009

Surprise! It's a Contest!

Surprise! I am so sorry for not posting, I guess I just run out of ideas. But don't worry, this will totally make up for it! A contest! And it's huge. But sorry, no superstar or anything. I don't believe in spending my own money on those types of things for a virtual world, and not even for me! Anyways. Here's the basic idea. There will be about 3 rounds. The prizes, to me, are quiet huge.

So what do you do now?
Sign up!
You can sign up until March 1st
Invite people to come and follow the blog and to sign up too!

Shall I give away the prizes?
When 5 people sign up I will tell everyone. :D
And there must be a minimum of 10 people signed up to have the contest.
I think by this way, not like 3 people will be in the contest, and I think 10 is a pretty good number.
So! Sign up now!
And invite people to come and sign up and follow!
See me for any questions!


Anonymous said...

Can I sign up?

Alannah Jaide said...


Madeline / VballGirlie2695 said...

Anyone can.

guccigirl73 said...

Me (:

Madeline / VballGirlie2695 said...

Oh and also, I don't just want my writers to sign up!
So come on peeps!
Sign up!
It will be fun!

Alannah Jaide said...

Well, Melissa wants to sign up, she asked me to make sure you put her up.

Madeline / VballGirlie2695 said...

She is in, no worries! But only 2 people signed up, lets go! Haha