Thursday, January 8, 2009

Trend Watch: Blonde Headbands

I think there's a new trend for stardoll.
This was originally started by fakeshake3 but I'm guessing it's starting to sweep across the many other wannabes on the site.

It's quite easy to make yourself, the headband costs three stardollars and is available to everyone. The headband is on page seven of the Headbands section in Splendid.

So, what do you think of it?

Will you waste nine stardollars for this?


Oh the Nuisance said...

Nah. Not my style.

Lexie. said...

Nope,aha i was looking and it seemed like only Acouple people didnt follow including me.
At first the trend is cool then it just gets old.
Remember the tear drop eyeshadow anyone?

Alannah Jaide said...

Yeah, I remember that trend, that was awful. I think it was made popular because a covergirl was seen with it.

Madeline / VballGirlie2695 said...

I wouldn't.
But its veryyy cute.

guccigirl73 said...

Its more of an.. Elite? Thing to do.

And i'm not going to waste money on something that will be in style for a month and then go out.

I had a thought last night that we should be able to sell things from our styling studio, then i realised everyone will be sellling those little hearts.

Яαiηb๏wlici๏us said...

lmfao, what a waste.
I don't think it looks that nice, either :S

Anonymous said...

I agree Marie.